On the Couch

On the Couch with Dr Leslie Chong CEO Imugene (IMU) August 2022

Welcome to another episode of On the Couch with Henry Jennings. Today I Henry is talking to Dr Leslie Chong, CEO and MD of Imugene (IMU).

A very interesting look at an early stage biotech, where it is with trials and data, plus some words of advice on how to look at investing in biotechs in general. And a quick chat on Italian art to finish off. A great podcast and well worth a listen.

Leslie has 24 years of oncology experience in Phase I – III of clinical program development, including leadership role involvement in two marketed oncology products. She was previously Senior Clinical Program Lead at Genentech, Inc., in San Francisco. Genentech is widely regarded as one of the world’s most successful biotech companies with a strong oncology franchise including the best-selling breast cancer drug Herceptin.

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